This article is for informational purposes only and no longer being updated by Seagate.

Accessing the Shared Storage - Windows

    Note: If you have just turned on the LaCie Ethernet Disk mini, it may take a few moments for the LaCie Ethernet Disk mini to appear on the network.


    Windows XP/2000 Users

    1. To access the share in Windows, look in My Network Places, and select Microsoft Windows Workgroup. By default, the Ethernet Disk mini will be named Edmini.
      • Or, type in a Windows explorer's address bar: \\edmini or \\[IP address] (to find your Ethernet disk mini’s IP address, run the IP Configurator Wizard).
      • For FTP access, type: ftp://edmini or ftp://[IP address]
    2. In the logon window that opens, type:User Name: admin and Password: admin (This user name and password is the factory default; if you have already created a user, input your user name and password.)


    Windows 95/98/98SE Users

    • The LaCie Ethernet Disk mini will appear as a drive with one share folder on the network. For faster connections and usability, LaCie recommends you map the network drive.
      From the Start menu, select Find and then Computer. Enter EDmini as the server name and click Find Now. Windows will search your system and after a little while, the LaCie Ethernet Disk mini should appear in the result window. Click on the icon, and you will then be asked to enter a username and password. Note: To access your shares under Windows 95 and 98, you will need to create a user on the LaCie Ethernet Disk mini with the same user name and password as your log in for Windows. This is due to a limitation in Microsoft’s operating system.


      Windows Me/2000 Users

        For Windows Me and Windows 2000 users, if you cannot find the LaCie Ethernet Disk mini from your workstation, try using the Windows search tool.
        1. From the Start menu, select Search, and then click on For Files or Folders. In the Search Results window, select Computers.
        2. In the Search for Computers dialog box, enter the server name and click the Search Now button. By default, the LaCie Ethernet Disk mini will be named “EDmini”, and the share “SHARE”.
        Note: To access your shares under Windows Me, the administrator will need to create a user with the same username and password as your log in for Windows. This is due to a limitation in Microsoft’s operating system.


        Mapping the Network Drive

        For faster time connections and usability, LaCie recommends that you map your shared drive. To map a shared drive:
        1. Select the Tools menu from Windows Explorer.
        2. Click on Map a drive.
        3. Fill in the appropriate information and press Finish. This creates a direct access to the shared drive from My Computer (for more information about drive mapping, refer to your Windows manual).