Lyve Cloud Object Storage Resources Guide 
Lyve Cloud Object Storage Resources Guide 

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Before configuration, ensure that the following requirements have been met:

Operating system Windows Server 2019 or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.4 or later
Recommended hardware  
Sofware Ensure required licenses and packages are available.
Browser compatibility Chrome recommended.
Region information Your region information is required to complete the configuration.

Download Commvault software

Navigate to the Commvault Store and download the latest version of Commvault Express for your operating system. Make sure that the downloaded file is the correct release.

Install Commvault

  In the instructions that follow, Commvault is shown being installed on the C: drive. Note, however, that installing on the C: drive is not recommended. Choose another drive in your system for better performance and future scalability.
  1. Launch the executable and follow the onscreen instructions to install Commvault. Complete the installation, making sure that all dependencies are resolved.
  2. Reboot the system to finalize the setup.
  3. After rebooting, launch the Commvault management console and configure the initial settings.
  4. The following confirmation is displayed once the installation and configuration are completed:

  6. Select Finish.

Create a new database

Create a new MS SQL database (DB) for backup and recover operations (see Getting Started with SQL Server).

DB operations use a lot of system resources. Make sure that the system running the Commvault Command Center has a high-performance CPU and a large amount of local memory.

The following screenshot illustrates a typical configuration for Commvault on a Windows 2020 server with moderate performance:

Set up an account

  When setting up your backup operation user or general user account, use Chrome to avoid known issues with Firefox.


  1. Open your Chrome browser and create a new backup operator or general user account.
  2. Once the account has been created, configure the necessary permissions and roles.
  3. Log in to the management console using the newly created account.
  If the login fails, ensure that the correct account permissions have been assigned to the user.

Add cloud storage

  1. Launch the Commvault Command Center using the link provided after installation.

  1. Select Add storage, and then select LET'S GET STARTED.

  1. Select the appropriate object storage service (for example, AWS S3, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, and so on).
  2. Specify the following:
Type S3 Compatible Storage
Name Enter the S3 account name
Service host

  1. Select the Edit icon next to 'Credentials' and enter your credential name, access key ID, and secret access key.
  If your bucket is configured with a governance lock, you may encounter issues. Ensure compliance with your organization's policies for object-level governance.
  1. Edit your cloud object bucket information. Ensure that the correct region information is selected.
  2. Select Save.

Validate backup and recovery

Run a test backup

  1. After setting up your cloud storage and DB instances, run a small test backup to ensure the system is working as expected (see Validate cloud upload and download below).
  2. Verify the backup data integrity and recovery processes.

Validate cloud upload and download

  1. Install a S3 browser on your local system.
  2. Launch the S3 browser and verify that content is uploaded to Lyve Cloud successfully.
  3. Install a S3 browser on a Windows client. (This can be a free version.)

  4. Create a Cloud user account.

  5. Enter the cloud user credentials.

  6. Test the cloud user credentials. If you can see the contents stored in the bucket, the cloud operation is working properly (see below).

Review snapshots

  1. Use the snapshot feature to capture point-in-time backups for validation.

  2. Mount the snapshot to ensure that it reflects the current state of your backup environment.

  3. Configure the server.

  4. Select a backup plan.

  5. Select your backup content and add the plan.


Cloud Storage Fails Without Region Info

Ensure that the correct region information was entered during cloud configuration. Incorrect or missing data will prevent the storage bucket from being added.

Governance Lock and Compliance Issues

If governance lock compliance is required on the object level, ensure that the configuration matches your organization's regulatory requirements.