Lyve Cloud Object Storage Resources Guide 
Lyve Cloud Object Storage Resources Guide 

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s5cmd is validated for use with Lyve Cloud Object Storage.

Configure S3cmd

To start using s5cmd, you'll need to configure it with your Lyve Cloud S3 storage service. Once s5cmd is installed, run the following commands to insert access keys into a credentials file:

  1. Make sure you have the AWS directory to hold your credentials file in:

$ mkdir ~/.aws

  1. Create and edit the credentials file to contain your access key pair:

$ vim ~/.aws/credentials

aws_access_key_id = <access-key>
aws_secret_access_key = <secret-key>

Basic Commands

 Note—The Lyve Cloud --endpoint-url must appear before the command in order for the command to run.

List buckets

s5cmd --endpoint-url=https://s3.<region> ls


  • <region> is the appropriate Lyve Cloud region, for example, us-east-1.

Create bucket

s5cmd --endpoint-url=https://s3.<region> mb s3://s5cmd-bucket


  • <region> is the appropriate Lyve Cloud region, for example, us-east-1.

Upload file

s5cmd --endpoint-url=https://s3.<region> cp envpod.yaml s3://s5cmd-bucket cp envpod.yaml s3://s5cmd-bucket/envpod.yaml


  • <region> is the appropriate Lyve Cloud region, for example, us-east-1.

Download file

s5cmd --endpoint-url=https://s3.<region> cp s3://s5cmd-bucket/ /Users/660186/desktop/


  • <region> is the appropriate Lyve Cloud region, for example, us-east-1.

Sync a local folder to an S3 bucket:

s5cmd --endpoint-url=https://s3.<region> sync my-sync-folder s3://s5cmd-bucket
cp my-sync-folder/Pic-2.png s3://s5cmd-bucket/my-sync-folder/Pic-2.png
cp my-sync-folder/Pic-3.png s3://s5cmd-bucket/my-sync-folder/Pic-3.png
cp my-sync-folder/Pic-1.png s3://s5cmd-bucket/my-sync-folder/Pic-1.png


  • <region> is the appropriate Lyve Cloud region, for example, us-east-1.