Please follow this procedure to uninstall BlackArmor Manager for Seagate BlackArmor WS110 and PS110 completely from your Windows 7/Vista/XP computer:
- Click on the Start menu.
- Select Settings (if necessary).
- Select Control Panel.
- Select Programs and Features (Windows 7/Vista) or Add/Remove Programs (Windows XP) and allow it to populate and display the programs.
- Find the program you want to uninstall and then select Uninstall (Windows 7/Vista) or Remove (Windows XP).
- Do not reboot the computer yet.
- Open (My) Computer or Windows Explorer.
Navigate to the following folder locations:
Windows 7 - C:\Program Files (x86)
Windows Vista - C:\Program Data
Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data -
Delete the Seagate folder.
(This will also delete the source information for many other Seagate programs.) - Reboot the computer. Finished.