Supplier shall provide customs documentation (sometimes referred to as a “proforma invoice” or “customs invoice”) to facilitate customs clearance (“Supplier’s Customs Documentation”). If Seagate is the importer of record, Supplier shall share all information directly with Seagate or Seagate’s designated freight forwarder or broker at least 72 hours before the goods are loaded on the exporting carrier. Supplier’s Customs Documentation must be in English and must include the following information:
- Date of shipment;
- Invoice number and shipment number;
- Seagate purchase order number;
- Manufacturer name, address, and Manufacturer registration number;
- Seller name and address;
- Ship to party name, address and Tax ID if available;
- Bill to party name and address;
- Container stuffing location (ocean shipments only);
- Consolidator (Stuffer) name and address (ocean shipments only);
- All wood packaging must be clearly indicated on the invoice and in accordance with ISPM15 (International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15);
- Name, contact information and signature of responsible individual – must be a responsible employee of the exporter who has knowledge or who can readily obtain knowledge of the transaction;
- Incoterm per “Incoterm 2000” or “Incoterm 2010” and named place;
- Shipment gross weight; and
- Shipment country of origin (ship from country) by part and quantity.
- Description of Product, grade or quality, as well as marks, numbers, and symbols under which the Product is sold, if applicable – for product description, use generic terms by which each item is commonly known; if product is “USED,” so indicate in the description;
- Product quantities, including quantity of Product per each individual package/box, the number of packages/boxes, the number per pallet, the number of pallets, and the corresponding weights – the information must be sufficiently detailed to enable identification and matching of Product in the shipment against line items on the shipping invoice;
- Seagate part numbers;
- Seagate descriptions as indicated in P.O.;
- Unit of Measurement;
- Product country of origin (place of manufacture) by part and quantity;
- FCC ID number, if any;
- FDA accession number, if any; if the invoice contains multiple pages, each page must be numbered, preferably in the following format: X of Y pages;
- Product net metric weight;
- Manufacturer’s Identification code/”MID” number for textile products shipped to the U.S. (if applicable);
- Third Party product appraisal report on used equipment (if applicable);
- Product classification information including (a) Harmonized Tariff Schedule number (up to the sixth digit) and (b) U.S. Export Control Classification Number (“ECCN”), or equivalent;
- U.S. Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System number (“CCATS” number, if applicable), or equivalent;
- U.S. export or re-export license number and expiration date or equivalent (if applicable); and
- U.S. License Exception designator, or equivalent (if applicable).
- Unit purchase price and type of currency (if the merchandise is not purchased, the value or fair market price in the country of exportation);
- All charges upon the Product, itemized by name and amount, including freight, insurance, commission, cases, containers, coverings and cost of packing, repair and calibration;
- Total purchase price and terms of payment – customs regulations require every shipping invoice accurately reflect the price to be paid by Seagate. The shipping invoices are used to declare the value of the imported Product for customs entry. Software purchases must indicate the full purchase price of the software regardless of delivery method, e.g., CD-ROM, download. Accordingly, 100% accuracy is required. Post-shipment price increases can render declarations inaccurate; therefore, price increases may not be applied to Product already shipped or in a JIT or SMI location;
- All free of charge items must have a commercial value listed for Customs purposes; and
- The fair market value of any goods or services furnished free of charge to the Supplier for producing the Product (e.g., assists such as dies, molds, tooling, engineering work) must be included either as a separate line item or included in the unit price of the goods in Supplier’s Customs Documentation.
- Supplier shall comply with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), ISPM15, Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material (WPM) in International Trade. ISPM15 requires WPM used in international trade to be properly treated with either heat or fumigation in order to kill harmful insects that may be present. Wood packing includes wood or wood products (excluding paper products) used in supporting, protecting or carrying a commodity (includes dunnage) [ISPM Pub. No. 15, 2002].
- All treated WPM must be marked with the IPPC logo, the two-letter International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country that treated the WPM, the treatment facility number assigned by the national plant protection organization, and either the abbreviation HT (heat treatment) or MB (methyl bromide).

- The WPM must be marked in a visible location on each article, preferably on at least two opposite sides of the article, with a legible and permanent mark that indicates that the article meets the new requirements. Treated WPM can only be used during the validity period of the treatment. All containers destined to China must be fumigated before export.