Import to Seagate Lyve Cloud
Before you can configure and submit your import plan, make sure to complete the following steps so that Lyve Import Service can securely access your specified Lyve Cloud bucket to import your data:
Lyve Cloud account—Work directly with a Lyve Cloud Expert to create your Lyve Cloud account.
Lyve Cloud bucket—Set up a bucket for your import. To learn more, see Managing buckets.
Bucket permissions—To learn more, see Managing bucket access permissions.
Seagate authorizations—Ensure that Seagate is authorized to read, write, and list to an existing bucket.
Service account—To learn more, see Managing service accounts.
IP address access—If configured by your organization, list Seagate’s IP address(es) as an allowed source. See IP Address Access.
Seagate recommends creating a bucket dedicated to your import plan.
Important note on file sizes—In general, Seagate does not recommend importing individual files larger than 5TB. Please refer to your cloud provider's file size limitations and best practices.
Add your cloud destination credentials and bucket information to configure your cloud import plan.
- All devices within a subscription must be imported to the same destination and region.
- You will be required to enter and validate your bucket credentials.
- On your Home page, select a Lyve Mobile service subscription that includes a Cloud Import plan.

Alternatively, select the More icon in the 'Actions' column, and then select View Subscription.
- Select the link at the top of the page:

- Confirm the Cloud Destination and Region. Select Next.
- Add the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for your cloud destination. Specify an existing bucket for the subscription. Select Validate Credentials.
If the validation fails, check that the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Bucket entered are accurate, and then revalidate.
- (Optional) Under 'Customized Path', provide the name of an existing folder or provide a folder name for Seagate to use to create a new folder for import. If you don’t provide a folder name, Seagate will create a folder based on the device serial number and date.
Each storage device in your import plan will have a designated folder in your bucket. The device’s serial number will be automatically appended to the folder name at the time of import.
- Provide a name for Seagate to use to create the folder(s) in your bucket on your behalf. (Recommended)
- If you leave this field blank, Seagate will create a folder(s) for your files and will use the device’s serial number as its name.
- Alternatively, if you have an existing folder within your bucket that you would like to import your files to, provide the name of this folder.
- Important—Make sure that your bucket policy does not block folder creation. If you are providing a name for a new folder to be created, ensure that the name follows the Naming Guidelines.
- To enable the checkbox, select the IP Address Access Guide link.
- Select the checkbox, and then select Submit.
Inviting another user to configure an import plan
If a different member of your Org needs to configure the import plan for a Lyve Mobile subscription, you can invite them to do so in Lyve Management Portal.
- The person must be a member of the Org containing the Lyve Mobile subscription to which you want to add the import plan. See Manage Org members in the Lyve Management Portal User Manual.
- The member must be given the Manage Import Plans permission. See Manage subscription members in the Lyve Management Portal User Manual.
Naming guidelines
Safe characters |
Alphanumeric characters |
0-9 |
numerals |
a-z |
lowercase letters |
A-Z |
uppercase letters |
Special characters |
* |
asterisk |
! |
exclamation point |
- |
hyphen |
( |
parenthesis (open) |
) |
parenthesis (close) |
. |
period |
' |
single quote |
_ |
underscore |
Characters to avoid |
& |
ampersand |
ASCII characters
- ASCII ranges 00–1F hex (0–31 decimal) and 7F (127 decimal)
- non-printable ASCII (128–255 decimal characters)
@ |
at sign |
\ |
backslash |
^ |
caret |
: |
colon |
, |
comma |
{ |
curly brace (left) |
} |
curly brace (right) |
$ |
dollar sign |
= |
equal sign |
/ |
forward slash |
` |
grave |
< |
greater-than symbol |
> |
less-than symbol |
% |
percent sign |
| |
pipe or vertical bar |
+ |
plus sign |
# |
pound character |
? |
question mark |
" |
quotation mark |
; |
semi-colon |
space - sequences with spaces, especially multiple spaces, may be lost |
[ |
square bracket (left) |
] |
square bracket (right) |
Note the following additional requirements:
- An object name matching a prefix is not supported. For example, an object with the name /A/B, where A is a prefix and B is the object name, should not be imported with another object named A.
- A standalone period . in the prefix folder is not supported.
- A standalone period . as an object name is not supported.
Best practices
See the following knowledge base article:
See the following knowledge base articles: