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Improving Network Performance with Lyve Drive Shuttle



The Lyve Drive Shuttle ships in the exFAT file system to be compatible with as many devices as possible.  If you do not need your Lyve Drive Shuttle to be exFAT, you can reformat the device to EXT4 for higher performance when using the device over the network.

Warning:  Using the Crypto Erase feature will erase all current data on the Lyve Shuttle.

  1. On the Home screen, tap the Menu icon
  2. Tap on Crypto Erase
  3. At the next prompt, tap Next
  4. Enter your password and tap Next
  5. The drive will be reformatted after erasing data.  Select EXT4 and tap Erase
  6. At the prompt, tap Erase to confirm the crypto erase
  7. When the crypto erase is complete, tap OK

Note: With the device reformatted to EXT4, Lyve Drive Shuttle will no longer be usable over USB with Windows and Mac computers.