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Comparison of Memeo software features and compatibility

GoFlex drives can include several different combinations of bundled software, depending on where they are purchased. This article helps explain.
Software included with productGoFlex /
GoFlex Desk
GoFlex Pro / Goflex Slim GoFlex with Replica
Memeo Instant Backup for Windowsx  
Memeo Backup Premium for Windows x 
Autobackup for Windows  x
Memeo Backup software for MacOSxx 
NTFS (Paragon) driver under MacOS
Allow read/write of Windows partition in MacOS

Instant Backup
Full System Backup  X
Use as Storage and Backupxxx
Multiple Backup Destinations x 
One-click Backup of Main Drivexxx
Backup Using Smart Tags x 
Right-click to add Folders x 
Versioning xx
Multiple Backup Plans x 
Windows Explorer Integration xx
Continuous Backupxxx
Automatic System Throttlingxxx
Full System Restore  x
Restore Interfacexxx
Drag and Drop Restore  x
Restore Historical Versions xx
Password Protection for Backupxxx
Supported Operating Systems
Operating SystemMemeo
Instant Backup
Windows XPxxx
Windows Vistaxxx
Windows 7xx 
Windows 8xx 
Windows 8.1   
Windows 10   
MacOS 10.6   
MacOS 10.7   
MacOS 10.8   
MacOS 10.9   
MacOS 10.10   
  1. *Data Deals effective for 24 hours only (Tuesdays 5:00 AM to Wednesdays 4:59 AM Pacific & Thursdays 5:00 AM to Friday 4:59 AM Pacific).