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This article is for informational purposes only and no longer being updated by Seagate.

GoFlex Home - LED functionality

Describes the function and significance of the LEDs on the GoFlex Home.

There will be two LEDs to convey system and drive status.

  • A bi-color LED (Green, Yellow)  is used for the system status. This LED will reflect the current state of the device (Start-up phase, Connected to service...). See Table 1 for details.
  • A White LED is used for drive status. See Table 2 for details.
Summary of LED function, Table 1 - LED 1 function
Function Activity
Starting up Blinking green
Connection to network is normal Solid green
Not connected to network; Drive not ready,  problem with drive Blinking yellow Click to see Fix
Summary of LED function, Table 2 - LED 2 (SATA drive) function
Function Activity
SATA drive mounted Solid white
Receiving Drive Safe Eject command Blinking white Click to see how to eject drive
Drive not connected; or after drive is ejected, drive is ready to be removed LED off Click to see Fix
Drive removed without safe removal Blinking white for 10 seconds Click to see how to eject drive

Blinking yellow
Here is a list of things to try if you get the blinking yellow light. 

  1. The drive takes 2 to 3 minutes to boot up. Make sure you have given adequate time before attempting any troubleshooting.
  2. If the drive has not booted power it off and pull the drive off the base.
  3. Make sure the connection between the base and drive is good.
  4. Snap the drive back into the base and wait for the unit to boot. 
If the unit still does not show up you need to reboot the network. Follow the steps below to reboot the network. 
  1. Power off the drive 
  2. Power off your computer 
  3. Power off your router 
  4. Wait 1 minute
  5. Power on your router
  6. Wait 1 minute
  7. Power on your computer 
  8. Power on the drive
  9. Wait a few minutes 
If the drive does not show up at this point contact support. 

Blinking white
A blinking white light means that the drive is receiving the drive safe eject command.  Or that that the drive was removed without being safely ejected. The light will just blink for 10 seconds in this case. Follow the steps below to safely eject a drive from the GoFlex Home.
  1. Access the web UI (User Interface) of the drive via one of the following links
    Windows: http://GoFlex_Home
    Mac: http://GoFlexHome.local
  2. Click on Preferences
  3. Click on Storage Device(s)
  4. Choose the storage device you want to eject and click Eject
LED off
When the LED goes off it means the drive is not detected. Below are a few steps to try should you encounter this issue. 
  1. Power the unit off
  2. Pull the drive off the base
  3. Check to make sure the connection between the drive and base is clean and clear
  4. Snap the drive back into the base 
  5. Boot the drive up
  6. Wait 3 minutes
  7. If the drive is still not detecting contact support