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This article is for informational purposes only and no longer being updated by Seagate.

Add data to the Ethernet Disk Mini: Home edition and Internet Space with a web browser.

Add data to the Ethernet Disk Mini: Home edition and Internet Space with a web browser.

One of the methods supported for data transfer on the Ethernet Disk Mini: Home Edition is though a web browser. This can be done without any special configuration, or complicated network requirements.

Begin by connecting to the portal page.


Enter the portal name, user name, and password that was created earlier. Click Sign In.


Click either Family Library or MyLibrary (click the one that will be receiving data.)


Click the "Upload" button.


From this window, there are two options. The Manual Upload option will work on nearly all machines. Click Browse to browse to a file to upload. This works well for a few files, or in situations where the computer is not a normal Windows or OSX computer.

If there are several files to upload, and it is being done from a Windows or Macintosh computer, use the Drag and Drop option, instead.


This is a program written in Java, and the Java Runtime Environment is required. Download this from

To download data from the drive, simply click the check boxes to the left of the files, then click the download button. If several files are required at once, click the check boxes, then click the Zip button. The checked files will be compressed into a single zip file residing in the same directory. Check the box next to that to download the compressed file.