The following provides the steps necessary to uninstall the OneTouch 4 Software on your Mac:
Note: The Remove Maxtor SW utility will uninstall ALL Maxtor Software from you Mac; this includes (but not limited to) the following:
- Maxtor OneTouch Manager
- Maxtor EasyManage
- Maxtor QuickStart
Click here to download the file and store it on your system's desktop.
- Double-click the file.
- Double-click theremove_maxtor_sw.zippackage file. The Install Remove Maxtor SW window opens
- Click on the Continue button. The Important Information window opens.
- Click on the Continue button. The Select a Destination window opens.
- If it's not already selected, select your Macintosh hard drive volume and click on the Continue button. The Easy Install...window opens.
Click on the Install button.
Note: If this is the second or subsequent time you have installed this software, click on the Upgrade button. You will be prompted to authenticate. Enter the Administrator Username and Password. - Click on the OK button. A sheet warns that you'll have to restart your computer.
- Click on the Continue Installation button. A progress bar keeps you informed as the installation proceeds. When the installation is complete, a Restart window opens.
- Click on the Restart button to restart your computer and complete the installation.
OneTouch 4 Video Tutorial: Remove Maxtor SW for Macintosh