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Seagate/Maxtor Manager - Error 8211 is reported on one or more files

"Internal Error 8211" in the backup log of Seagate/Maxtor Manager indicates that a files could not be copied. This article explains.

The "Internal Error 8211" in the backup log of Seagate Manager or Maxtor Manager indicated that a files could not be copied.

Older versions of Seagate Manager and Maxtor Manager used this error for several types of issues encountered with file backups. Before proceeding, be sure your software is updated to the most current version.
Follow these steps to check for the current version of software:

  1. Open Seagate Manager / Maxtor Manager.
  2. Click the Settings button in the lower right corner.
  3. Click the Check for Software update option. 

Or find the most current version at our Downloads page.

If, after completing a backup with an updated version of software, you receive a more detailed error, see Document ID: 201511 for information on how to interpret these errors.

If, after completing a backup with the current version of software, error 8211 continues to appear in the log for that new backup, then try copying the file to the external drive manually to see if Windows reports more details on why the files cannot be copied. Look for messages like "insufficient rights", "file corrupt", "file name is invalid", etc.

If no errors are reported when the file is copied, then run a file system check (or chkdsk) on the drive that contains the original version of the file or files to determine if there may be an issue with the file(s).